We've been working to put an up-to-date list of community gardens and orchards together. This is a work in progress so please send any additions, corrections etc. to me at helen@lewishamlocal.com. We'd especially like up to date info about school gardens and projects at Housing Associations and about if the projects are currently looking for volunteers.
For World Food Day this Sunday 16th, if your local project is open, why not take a look?

Community Gardens and Orchards List
Where: Catford/Hither Green, SE6 1QS (Abbotshall Road playing fields)
When: Volunteer application online, contact Christian on 07967 481655
Where: Honor Oak, SE23 3NP – One Tree Hill Allotments
When: Not open to public
Where: Deptford, SE8 4AG
When: Contact gardening@thealbany.org.uk, Thursdays and last Saturday of the month
Aspinall Road Community Garden / Rainbow Bridge Community Garden
Where: Brockley, SE14 5SH
When: Contact aspinallroadgarden@gmail.com to find out
Bare Roots and Fruits Community Garden
Where: Bellingham, c/o Lewisham sports consortium, 140a Firhill Road, SE6 3SQ
When: Volunteering happens on Thursdays and Sundays, but can do other days by appointment, call 07803842807
Where: Beckenham, BR3 1SY
When: Reopening to volunteers in January 2023
Where: New Cross, SE14 5AS
When: Mondays 1-3pm and Wednesdays 12-2pm
Where: Brockley, SE4 1PN
When: Mondays 1-3pm and Wednesdays 12-2pm
Where: New Cross/Bermondsey (Border with Southwark), SE15 1EP
When: Contact carolina@jupiterwoods.com
Where: Brockley, SE4 (Coulgate Street)
When: Fortnightly (check website for latest dates as they post regularly)
Where: Grove Park/Chinbrook (border with Greenwich borough), SE12 9PR
When: Contact chinbrookmeadows@hotmail.co.uk, ccorchard@outlook.com
CocoCollective - Ital Community Garden Bellingham
Where: The black gate next to 71 Firhill Road, SE6 3SE
When: Open Wednesdays and Sundays 10-3pm *Summer and Winter times may different
CocoCollective - Ital Community Garden Catford - A youth led community garden
Where: The white gate next to 104 Engleheart Road, SE6 2HW
When: Opens Sundays 10- 3pm. Check their Instagram page here
Where: Deptford, SE8 4AN
When: Contact enquiries@lewishamhomes.org.uk
Common Growth Community Garden (Lewisham Homes) TBC
Where: New Cross, SE4 2NP
When: Contact enquiries@lewishamhomes.org.uk, commongrowthuk@gmail.com
Where: Crofton Park, SE4 1EU
When: Open events posted on website
Where: Deptford, SE8 3DP
When: Fridays 10am – 12 Midday, email deptford@salvationarmy.org.uk to check as may not be open to the public
Where: Downham, BR1
When: Email downhammattersteam@gmail.com for more information on volunteer opportunities
Where: Forest Hill, SE23 1HN
When: Contact admin@ewartcommunityhall.org
Where: Bellingham, SE6 3EH
When: Contact farmsteadroadcg@gmail.com
Where: Forest Hill, SE26 4JS
When: Sign up here to find out about volunteer opportunities
Where: Bellingham/Downham, SE6 1UA
When: Contact volunteeringfofmp@gmail.com
Where: Brockley, SE4 2BL
When: Contact friendsoffrendsbury@gmail.com to find out more about getting involved
Where: Grove Park, SE12 0UY
When: Contact nick.pond@lewisham.gov.uk
Where: Sydenham, SE26
When: Contact friendsofhomepark@gmail.com
Where: Hither Green, SE6 1AN
When: 11am – 1pm Sundays
Where: Grove Park/Downham, SE6 1QD
When: Downham Men’s Group and general gardening club on Tuesdays, confirm with Trevor about the men’s group trevor.pybus@Blueribbonfoundation.org.uk and with GCC about gardening club

Where: Bromley, BR1 5RB
When: Regular events advertised on website. Email growlewishamnetwork@gmail.com for specific volunteer opportunities.
Herbal Plot (Grow Lewisham)
Where: Ladywell, Flat 3 56, SE13 6QP, Lewisham Park, at the back of flats in and around the car park
When: Contact Julian 07939660538 julianlahai@gmail.com
Where: Brockley/Ladywell, SE4 1YP
Where: Honor Oak, SE4 2JD
When: Contact info@honoroakcommunitycentre.org or 0207 639 2301
Honor Oak Estate Community Orchard (Lewisham Homes/Orchard Project)
Where: Honor Oak
When: Contact enquiries@lewishamhomes.org.uk
Where: Forest Hill, SE23 3PQ
When: Gardens open daily from 7.15am (or 8am Sunday and Bank Holidays) until 5.50pm. For gardening and related sessions contact them.
Where: Deptford, SE8 3QH
When: Register to volunteer here or email info@pepys.org.uk
Where: Ladywell, SE4 1SD
When: Contact ladywellfields@yahoo.co.uk
Where: Lee, SE12 8PY
When: Sundays from 10.30 – 12 Midday at 3 week intervals / 2 weeks in growing season
Where: Forest Hill, SE23 3HZ
When: Sign up to find out here
Where: Deptford, SE8 5QU
When: Contact getinvolved@lewishamhomes.org.uk - open to everyone not just LH residents
Where: Lee, SE13 5SU
When: Meets 2nd Saturday in the month TBC, contact friendsofmanorhousegardens@gmail.com
Where: Deptford, SE8 4NS
When: 12-4pm Saturdays
Where: Surrey Quays, SE8 5DN
When: 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month 11am - 1pm. Contact on Instagram @pnkgardenlnd and email pnkgardenlnd@gmail.com
Where: Grove Park, SE12 0DS
When: Contact info@gpcg.org.uk
Where: Deptford, SE8 3BD
When: Open access, upcoming events announced here
Where: Hither Green, SE13 6SS
When: Saturdays 11am, check first
Stanstead Lodge Gardening Group
Where: Stanstead Lodge, 260 Stanstead Road, SE23 1DD
When: Tuesdays (and Fridays between Spring and Autumn) 11am - 1pm
Where: Downham, BR1 5JR
When: Not sure if open to the public, contact
Where: Ladywell, SE13 6LW
When: Tuesdays 1pm - 3pm
Where: Brockley, SE4 1LT
When: Garden opening TBC, contact hello@stpetersbrockley.org.uk
Where: Brockley, SE23 1JN
When: Open access, sessions once a month on Monday morning
Where: Hither Green, SE13 6QE
When: TBC about to re-open, contact vicar@saintswithuns.org.uk
Where: Sydenham, SE23 2LW
When: Weekly sessions accessed via referral only here
Where: Hither Green, SE6 1JJ
When: Contact 07734166738
Wildcat Wilderness (Lewisham Local)
Where: Catford SE6 4PL
When: Thursdays 12pm-3pm, Fridays 10am-1.30pm
