Kampanie krajowe:
Veg Cities is a national campaign by Sustain that encourages people to grow, eat, cook and consume more veg!
Veg Power supports Veg Cities as a national marketing campaign that helps kids to find their #VegPower by eating more veg!


Sugar Smart Lewisham is the local project for a national campaign by Sustain to reduce sugar intake across the borough!
Lewisham is an accredited UK Baby Friendly Borough! That means we support new mums and babies to breastfeed, eat healthy and feel comfortable doing it!

Lewisham was one of the first boroughs to become FairTrade certified!

Programy lokalne:
Lewisham Local boosts the local economy by linking people to independent shops through special discounts.
HCC is a voluntary scheme promoted by local authorities to help caterers and food businesses make simple, healthy improvements to their food.
The South London Club Card is a local membership card to help support independent businesses in South London, whilst saving all who live, work and play here money!
Refill London hopes to turn the tide on single-use plastic and set an example by increasing free tap-water services throughout the capitol.