¿Está interesado en convertirse en miembro de la red Good Food Lewisham?
Lea nuestra Carta que describe nuestra visión y nuestros compromisos con la comunidad. Si acepta apoyar estas iniciativas, agregue su nombre y organización (si corresponde) en el cuadro a continuación para registrarse. Entonces, dirígete a nuestropágina de promesas hacer al menos un compromiso con la buena alimentación: ¡las prácticas actuales sí cuentan!
Una vez que hayamos recibido su firma y compromiso, lo agregaremos a nuestra lista de correo para que pueda ser el primero en enterarse de los próximos eventos, oportunidades de voluntariado y buenas noticias sobre alimentos en el municipio.
¡También puede descargar e imprimir la Carta para exhibirla o enmarcarla! Simplemente haga clic en la impresora o descargue los iconos en la parte superior derecha del visor.
¡Háganos saber para que podamos ayudarlo a unirse a un proyecto existente, comenzar su propia iniciativa o incluso unirse a nuestro grupo directivo!

Reducing plastic pollution by allowing people to refill their bottles up at your premises.
Supporting the ‘Shop Local Economy’ via the Lewisham Local Card
Sign up to the Lewisham Local Card, encouraging people to spend within the borough to support the local Lewisham food economy.
We have registered and made a Smart pledge to offer low/sugar free alternatives to help reduce the amount of sugar we all consume.
A voluntary scheme promoted by local authorities to help caterers and food businesses make simple, healthy improvements to their food.
The London Living Wage is an hourly rate of pay, currently set at £11.95. It is calculated independently to reflect the high cost of living in the capital, giving a worker in London and their family enough to afford the essentials and to save.
Through choosing Fairtrade, consumers can demand the highest standards from business and government, ensuring people and planet are not exploited to create the products we enjoy.
The Breastfeeding Welcome scheme aims to facilitate greater acceptance and promotion of breastfeeding in commercial and community settings, with the overall goal of increasing breastfeeding rates.
Promoting the Healthy Start Scheme, a government scheme that pays for healthy food and drinks for those who are pregnant or have a child under 4 on low incomes.
We offer a non-meat or dairy alternative to cater to vegan and vegetarian diets and helping to reduce carbon emissions by as much as 80% compared to meat diets.
Supporting the Community (through food)
e.g., supporting local community groups/charities, donating surplus to a local project or community compost, supporting local food growing, lending kitchen or space to the community, sharing skills, raising awareness of local issues, working with other local businesses.
Taking action on Climate Change
e.g., reducing energy use, reducing transport emissions, reducing food and other waste, offering sustainably produced food (organic/seasonal/local/better meat etc.), using less or better packaging, growing your own e.g., herbs for the kitchen.
Food For Life certified Sustainable Catering Awards
A Soil Association programme working in schools, nurseries, hospitals, care settings and caterers to make Britain healthier through food. Making the food you serve good for customers and planet.
Please pledge to show your commitment to making Lewisham a Sustainable Food Place